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会计移动课堂 【基础学习班】Simon Xing(2014)下半年 第03讲 Organising and Enabling Success(三)

2014-11-04 21:07:49  来源:
6.3 Shared Services Approach
Shared services are used by many parts of the same organisation. Typical examples include:
→finance and accounting;
→ human resources management (HRM);and
→information technology.
→A shared service centre (SSC) may be a cost centre (i.e. responsible only for the costs incurred) or may charge for the use of the service provided.
→Organisations may share their service centres with similar organisations or commission commercial shared service org (i.e. outsource).
→Shared services are being used more widely in the public sector.
Shared services approach
>Cost savings and efficiencies (of time and resources) through centralisation.;
>Increased flexibility and responsiveness;
>Improvements in overall service
>Divisions focus resources on primary business activities.
>High start-up costs.
>Some loss of control over the service being shared.
>Unpopular with existing staff as it may result in redundancy or relocation or changes in culture or reporting lines..
>May no longer tailor services to the needs of all users.